

Deviation Actions

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Literature Text

Three figures rode across the grassy plains of the tundra, all heading in one destination. Towards the mountains that held a numerous amount of caves. One of the best places to explore and have an adventure. Maria Summers, a red headed young adult sat astride a greying bear mark. Adela, a female Tokota with an air of grace but with a split personality that shifts as easy as the wind does.

The male of the trio, Kiro Maki is a man of Asian descent, with intelligent eyes and a lazy air to him. He leisurely sat upon a Tokota the size of a dire. This could be due to his father, a 25 percent dire that only had a few more centimetres on the male. Charnock, a marked tawny with the blanket gene along his spine.

The last companion, a girl of the mere age of twelve. Katherine, a blue eyed brunette. The young girl was new to the Tokota world, cousin to Maria she wanted to get away from the prestige background and venture more into the traditional ways of the world. She sat upon Kiro's Tokota, Luce. Sister to Charnock, she resembled their dam more than their dire father. Luce was a greying marked tawny, simple in colouring but with a heart of pure gold. The perfect ride for an inexperienced girl.

Maria was gently running her hands through Adela scruff, humming under her breath before saying. "So, the plan..." She glanced to her companions, a lopsided grin on her face.

Kiro turned to the girl, quirking a brow. "We have a plan?" He questioned, he didn't know of any plan. He didn't even know that they needed a plan.

"I have a plan." Maria replied boldly, turning away from them to gaze up at the oncoming mountains.

Katherine giggled under her breath at Kiros confused expression. The older man’s face scrunched up, the bridge of his nose crinkling. "Want to share said plan?" He asked, sending her a pointed look as he shifted his position on Charnocks back.

The smirk appeared on Maria's lips just like Katherine knew it would. "Not really." Retorted the red head, hazel eyes sparkling.

Kiro sat deeper in his seat, ridden with disbelief. Sometimes he just couldn’t understand the red head, he didn’t know how to take her. One moment he enjoyed her company, then the next he was utterly confused.

Katherine could no longer stifle her giggles, gently running her hands through Luce’s mane she piped up. “Then why even bring it up?” She asked, locking her gaze onto her cousin, amusement flickering beneath those sea blue eyes.

Maria brought her shoulders up into a shrug, the smirk still curled at her lips as she replied. “Mehh.”

Katherine let out a snort, shaking her head at Maria’s antics. Kiro on the other hand ran a hand down his face, the lazy man finding it hard to keep up with the girl. “I miss Seb...” He complained under his breath,

Maria, with ears of a bat heard him clear enough, quirking her brow she gave a scoff. “Bite me.” She snipped nasally. Not actually taking offence to his comment, finding the whole thing humorous.

The trio carried on their way towards the cave sight, all drifting off into their own worlds. The breeze was cool on their face, a few scattered clouds hang heavy in the sky. But they were fortunately a nice fresh white colour, no grey in sight. Kiro leisurely placed his hands on Charnock's rump as he leant backwards, taking in a deep breath of the fresh spring air. Movement from the corner of his eye caught his attention, slanting his head he squinted his sight to look closer.

Off to the side of the trio, coming through the tree line, was three Tokotas and two riders. By the way of the position of the handler’s bodies, it was clear to tell the two were talking with one another. And by the way the small group was heading, it was obvious that they were heading in the same direction as they were.

"Hey, look..." He murmured to his companions, jutting his chin in the other groups direction. 

Leading the small group was one of the starters, Tikaani. A marked tawny female decorated in rain marks and was heavily accented. The female was of the dominant status, outranking all of the other Tokotas on the tundra. Tikaani was a Tokota that liked to take control, you could see that from the way she was marching forward, tackles and rider less she easily moved over the ground towards her destination. A serious expression was marked on her face as she moved, a lady on a mission. It didn’t take the starter long to notice the other Tokota’s, her ears shifted back before pricking high forward her tail matching the same. The female let out a greeting chuff, not friendly but not aggressive either. Just completely neutral.

The other Tokota, with a the handler Dexter was following close behind. Dexter was a rather short girl, but with a wicked attitude. She will undoubtedly get alone with Maria like a house on fire. Her Tokota was a chocolate roan, with the genes vitiligo, pangare and collard. He also wore marked and accents. He was a handsome little thing, submissive in stature, but he held himself well, even with the dominant female a few paces in front of him. His name was Deviljho, nickname Devil now if that didn’t give you an inkling to his nature not much else would.

 The last Tokota, was rode by a man with his hood up and mask on face. He rode a yeti mutation Tokota. Azshara, a marked collard brown female with accents. She was a beauty, if a bit clumsy on her feet. 

Maria started to urge Adela in their direction, but came to stop when Kiro spoke up. "Where are you going?" His gaze was partially narrowed on her. The lazy man wanted to make it to the caves before the sun completely broke out over the sky. 

"To go say hi?" She answered in a 'duhh' tone. And before he could say anything else on the matter she was off. Katherine, dutifully following after her older cousin. Even if Luce didn't want to just up and leave her brother and handler, she was to gentle to ignore the young girls soft commands. 

Maria pulled Adela up a few feet from the trio. "Hi!" She greeted, grinning at them all.Katherine, shyly raised her hand in the air, giving a small wave. Kiro, even though wanting to get to the mountains couldn't just up and leave them, he also couldn't be rude and not bother to say hello. As he moved Charnock closer to the group, he offered them a friendly smile, leaving the talking up to Maria. 

"Hi." Dexter replied simply, her eyes wandering over each and everyone. Lingering on the red head that spoke. 

"You guys off exploring?" Maria questioned, the younger girl tilting her head. 

Dexter shifted her head into a small nod. "You?" She asked a little stand offish, trying to work out the red head and why she came over..

But Maria didn't care for the attitude, bobbing her head in a eager answer she replied "Oh yeah!" 

Dexter finally let a smile appear on her features, eyes returning to their normal sparkle. "Alright then, we might as well go together!" She chirped eagerly. Seeing that the girl was like herself in nature she found no more reason to be cautious. 

With that in agreement the group set off towards the caves. Tikaani dutifully leading her newly sized pack. With the new found pace, set by the dominanat female they soon arrived to the cave entrance. The starter heading in first with no hesitation. She was soon followed by Maria, then Katherine, then Kiro and after that Dexter and the mysterious man. 

The cave walls were slick with water, the eerie glow from up ahead dazzling the rock in a starry shine. Maria couldn't help but be awed by all of it. It was a beautiful sight and so far all they had got to was the tunnel leading to the inner depths of the cave. She couldn't stop the feeling of excitement from tingling up her spine and settling in the tips of her fingers as she gripped onto Adela's reins. The bear mark female wasn't as enthusiastic as her rider, she was of course, pleased with the sight that lay before her. However, she was also on edge. She didn't know what could be up ahead of them, danger in the form of a creature, or danger in the form of a crack in the ground that could lead someone to their impending doom. Either way she wasn't taking any chances. Each foot fall was well planned and precise, ears pinned back and muzzle crinkled in concentration.

Katherine sat idly in her seat, hands loosely on Luce's reins. She looked round with wide eyes, taking everything in. Luce, was pretty content in following Adela, her tail ever so slightly swaying as she went. 

Kiro had come to slouch in his seat, if he was a few inches taller his head would be scrapping the ceiling of the tunnel. Sitting astride the tallest out of all of them had its benefits, but right now it felt more of a burden than anything.

Dexter ran her hand through Deviljho's mane, fingers entwining with the soft fur. Her eyes danced around, a smile pulling at her lips as they drew closer to the center. Deviljho walked, surprisingly, with patience. Even being behind the large brute didn't seem to diffuse his good mood. Dexter glanced over her shoulder, quickly checking on Azshara. The yeti female was only a pace behind Devil, keeping close to her pack mate. it wasn't that she was scared, she was more concerned she would take a wrong turning and end up in a whole different part to the others. 

As the tunnel broke out wide, the group spaced out. All taking in the sight before them. Large gaps in the ceiling was a allowing the sun to pool into the cave, the sound of trickling water could be heard flowing down the rocks and dropping into an underground river. 

"This is amazing..." Katherine breathed lowly, eyes so wide they appeared to consume most of her face. 

Maria was about to agree, but when she heard her cousins voice repeat off the walls she paused. A grin growing wide at her lips. "Your voice jus-" She mumbled excitedly, turning to grin at them all. She caught Dexter's eyes, the crazy haired girl grinning with her as she bobbed her head to answer the girls unfinished question.  

Kiro, seeing it before it could even come to pass quickly scolded. "Maria." His tone was a warning, if she did what he thought she was about to do the noise would be loud, and the Tokota's would no doubt join in. His warning was all in vain, as the two older girls through the head back in howl, the moment their voices hit the air all Tokota's joining in as they cried-


My first ever exploring story! 

. . . 

Link to import sheet: Charnock 3477
Link to hunting journal:  Charnock(Hunt/Fish/Explore)
Items used (if any): none
Companions: none
Defects/Health Issues: None
Handler: Kiro Maki

Link to import sheet: Adela 4187
Link to hunting journal: Adela (Hunting/Fishing/Exploring) 
Items used (if any): none
Companions: none
Defects/Health Issues: None
Handler: Maria Summers

Link to import sheet: Luce 3427
Link to hunting journal: Luce(Hunt/Fish/Explore)
Items used (if any): none
Companions: none
Defects/Health Issues: none
Handler: Katherine Winters

Link to import sheet: Deviljho 4241
Link to hunting journal: Hunting/Fishing/Exploration Journal
Items used (if any): none
Companions: none
Defects/Health Issues: none
Handler: Dexter Cannon

Link to import sheet: Azshara 3685
Link to hunting journal: 
Items used (if any): none
Companions: none
Defects/Health Issues: none
Handler: (Stand in)

. . .

1871 words: 9HP
Hunting picture: 2HP
Handler: 2HP
Tikaani 16: 2HP

Non-commissioned art: 1HP


Charnock - 16HP
Luce - 16HP
Adela - 16HP
Devil - 15HP
Azshara - 15HP

.: Owed art :.


15/15 for a full slot to Sinestra 1273 // Completed.
15/25 for slot to Fenros 2094
© 2015 - 2024 Creative-Escape
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